Renowned preacher Myles Munroe once said humans generally do not look forward to death because many find themselves far from finishing what they believe they were born to start. In reverse, when someone has fulfilled their life purpose and met their destiny, they more easily welcome death.
Very poignant remarks right there.
The question of your life purpose is not unique to millennials aged 18-25 getting started in life or their careers but also occurs amongst 30 or 40-year-olds facing a transition in their life. It remains a difficult question to unpack – especially if you do not know or even understand what a life purpose is in the first place – whether you are getting ready to run off to college or have been working a job for over a decade.
It, therefore, begs the question: what is a life purpose?
A quick Google search will give you a myriad of definitions, one of them being: that thing or those sets of things that motivate you to get going or get up in the morning; that guides you when making life decisions. Something that influences your behavior and shapes your goals. A life purpose offers you a sense of direction and ultimately creates meaning.
Though not in all instances, a life purpose linked to your vocation – is what you consider meaningful, satisfying work. For many, it is also presumably that thing you are passionate about and brings you the most joy, something you can even do for free.
Are You Asking The Right Question?
Remember, you are on earth for an indefinite period. Thus, in your lifetime, you will do several different things, some of which will be important and others not so much. The important ones will add meaning to your life, while the unimportant ones will kill time.
So when you ask yourself: What is my purpose in life? What you really should be asking is:
What can I do with my time – that is important?
Here are a couple of questions to think about when thinking about your life purpose and how best to use your limited time to achieve the same:
- What abilities and talents come naturally to me?
- Finish the sentence: I shine when?
- What am I drawn to do?
- What do others often say I am good at doing?
- What can I not live without doing?
By creating more self-awareness around things that you do really well, you can start defining what you’re passionate about and what your life purpose is. Answering these questions as comprehensively as possible is key to unlocking the correct answers. If you struggle at first, seek feedback from a trusted friend or family member to help you out. Sometimes seeing yourself from a third perspective provides a great foundation to build on.
At Rise School, we run an online leadership masterclass that helps you grow in your self-awareness and self-leadership by encouraging you to: Raise your heart, Raise your head and Raise your hand for a higher purpose. If you need help finding your life purpose contact us today, we will share a clear roadmap. Our goal is to help you elevate and become Your Next Best Self.